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- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
How an Agricultural Development Bank Revolutionized Rural Finance The Case of Bank Rakyat Indonesia
星级: 19 页
The Microbanking Division of Bank Rakyat Indonesia: A Flagship of Rural Microfinance in Asia
星级: 12 页
论文-Empirical Tests for Market Timing Theory of Capital Structure in Indonesia Stock Exchange
星级: 21 页
A Christian Perspective on Sustainability in Rural Areas
星级: 6 页
Characteristic properties of water and electricity in rural China and its impact on the functions of institution-building requir
星级: 38 页
On the construction of social credit system in rural areas and empirical analysis of interest rate pricing relationships
星级: 10 页
On the rural social security for farmers empirical analysis of the impact of consumer spending
星级: 16 页
On the rural tourism the essential characteristic of the original cultural environment
星级: 15 页
Rural Week Presentation on Rural Finance - World Bank
星级: 14 页