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- Cover
- Half-title
- Series-title
- Title
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Contents
- Acknowledgements
- 1 Silent voices and everyday critics: problems in political theory, solutions from Third World feminist social criticism
- Prologue
- The anecdote and social criticism
- Social criticism and political theory
- A Third World feminist tripartite methodology
- Silent voices and the roles of social critics
- Everyday critics, multi-sited critics, and multiple critics
- A Third World feminist philosophy of social criticism
- Outline of chapters
- Conclusion: a feminist political philosophy of social criticism
- 2 AThird World feminist theory of social criticism
- 3 Method: skeptical scrutiny, guiding criteria, and deliberative inquiry in concert
- Introduction
- A Third World feminist method of social criticism
- Gender and Development: theorizing about and by Third World women
- Michael Walzer: contextual interpretation as social criticism
- Martha Nussbaum: internal essentialism as social criticism
- Reconciling relativism and essentialism in Third World feminist critical practice
- Conclusion
- 4 Roles: social criticism and self-criticism
- 5 Qualifications: everyday critics, multi-sited critics, and multiple critics
- 6 Third World feminist social criticism as feminism
- Bibliography
- Index