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0521808464 Cambridge University Press Popular Politics and the English Reformation Nov 2002
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- Cover
- Half-title
- Title
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Contents
- Preface
- List of Contributors
- 1 Introduction: What We Saw at the Revolution
- 2 Gender as a Category of Analysis in American Political Development
- 3 Gender, Public Opinion, and Political Reasoning
- 4
Gender in the Aggregate, Gender in the Individual,
Gender and Political Action
- What could come of a serious, continuous conversation between aggregate and individual analysis?
- Before there was a literature: the early history of the study of gender and participation
- A self-conscious literature
- What could individual-level analyses learn from the aggregate literature about political context?
- Conclusion
- Notes
- 5 What Revolution?
- 6 Women’s Movements and Women in Movements
- 7 Representation by Gender and Parties
- 8 Women as Candidates in American Politics
- 9 Women as Officeholders
- 10 Theorizing Women’s Representation in the United States
- 11 Political Women in Comparative Democracies
- 12 Conclusion: Between Participation and Representation
- References
- Index