- 相关
- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
星级: 69 页
Justinian and Theodora Justinian Code
星级: 16 页
The Rule of Justinian I The Rule of Justinian I
星级: 15 页
星级: 2 页
Composition of Justinian Law
星级: 2 页
Justinian - Wikispaces
星级: 16 页
Chapter 9 Surface Area and Volume of 3-D Shapes
星级: 8 页
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Table of Content
- Book Sixteen
- Book Seventeen
- Book Eighteen
- 1. Conclusion of the Contract of Purchase, Special Terms Agreed between the Vendor and Purchaser, and Things Which Cannot Be Sold
- 2. In Diem Addictio
- 3. The Forfeiture Clause
- 4. Sale of an Inheritance or of a Right of Action
- 5. Rescission of a Sale and the Circumstances in Which a Purchase May Be Departed From
- 6. Risk and Benefit of the Thing Sold
- 7. Slaves To Be Exported: The Sale of Slaves with a Provision That They Be (or Not Be) Manumitted
- Book Nineteen
- Book Twenty
- Book Twenty-One
- Book Twenty-Two
- BookTwenty-Three
- Book Twenty-Four
- Book Twenty-Five
- 1. Expenses Incurred in Connection with Dotal Property
- 2. The Action for Property Unlawfully Removed
- 3. The Recognition and Maintenance of Children, Parents, Patrons, and Freedmen
- 4. The Examination of Pregnant Women and the Observation of Delivery
- 5. Where a Woman Is Placed in Possession on behalf of Her Unborn Child, and This Possession Is Said To Have Been Fraudulently Transferred to Another Person
- 6. Where A Woman Is Said To Have Obtained Possession on behalf of Her Unborn Child by a False Statement
- 7 Concubines
- Book Twenty-Six
- 1. Tutelages
- 2. Testamentary Tutelage
- 3. The Confirmation in Office of a Tutor or Curator
- 4. Statutory Tutors
- 5. Tutors and Curators Appointed by Those Who Have the Power of Appointment, Who May Be Appointed, Special Cases
- 6. Those Who Request Tutors and When They Are To Be Requested
- 7. Management by Tutors and Curators and Their Liability, The Question Whether They Act or Not, Suits by or against One or All
- 8.The Authority and Consent of Tutors and Curators
- 9. When There Is an Actio in Faetum between Minores and a Tutor or Curator
- 10. Untrustworthy Tutors and Curators
- Book Twenty-Seven
- 1. Excuses
- 2. Where the Pupillus Ought To Be Brought Up and Reside and the Provision of Maintenance for Him
- 3. The Actions on Tutelage and for Liquidation of Accounts and the Actio Utilis for Curatorship
- 4. The Actio Contraria of Tutelage and the Actio Ulilis
- 5. One Who Acts Unasked as a Tutor or Curator
- 6. What Is Alleged To Have Been Done on the Authority of a Supposed Tutor
- 7. Tutors' and Curators' Verbal Guarantors, Nominators, and Heirs
- 8. Suits against Magistrates
- 9. The Property of Those in Tutelage or Care When There Is No Order for Sale or Exchange
- 10. Curators Appointed for Lunatics and Others over Age
- BookTwenty-Eight
- 1. Those Who Can Make Wills and How Wills Are Made
- 2. The Institution of Children and Postumi as Heirs and their Disherison
- 3. A Will Which Has Not Been Lawfully Made, or Which Has Been Broken or Rendered Ineffectual
- 4. Matters Which Are Obliterated, Erased, or Written Over in a Will
- 5. The Institution of Heirs
- 6. Normal and Pupillary Substitution
- 7. Conditions on Institutions
- 8. The Right To Take Time for Consideration
- Book Twenty-Nine
- 1. The Soldier's Will
- 2. Taking Up or Failing To Take Up an Inheritance
- 3. How Wills Are Opened, Inspected, and Copied Out
- 4. Where Someone, Passing Over a Will, Takes Possession of an Inheritance on Intestacy or in Some Other Way
- 5. The Senatus Cmultum Silunianum and the Senatus Consulturn Claudianum; Those Whose Wills May Not Be Opened
- 6. If a Person Has F'rohibited Someone from Making a Will or Has Compelled Him To Make One
- 7. The Law of Codicils
学说汇纂/Digest of Justinian, Volume 2 (D.16-29)
上传日期:2018-02-12 20:24:44