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Greywolf - Mary A. DeCarlo
星级: 805 页
星级: 20 页
星级: 24 页
Eva Gordon - Team Greywolf 03 - Wolf Charmer - English Fiction
星级: 157 页
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Eva Gordon - Team Greywolf 02 - Chernobyl Werewolf - English Fiction
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Eva Gordon - Team Greywolf 04 - Fur, Cloak and Dagger - English Fiction
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The ´Greywolf Brigade,´ 1st Cavalry Division
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- Contents
- List of Illustrations
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- 1. Paris—Praised, Modernized, Remembered, Staged, and Loved: Nineteenth-Century Foundations
- 2. The Memory of a Certain Belle Époque (1914–circa 1960): Or How the Turn-of-the-Century Lived On Beyond Its Time
- 3. Postwar Modernizing and the Resistance of Memory (1945–circa 1980)
- 4. New Varieties of a “Nouveau Paris” (1974– . . . )
- 5. Paris in Comparison
- 6. Contemporary Paris—Images, Spirit, Soul, and Sites
- Conclusion: To Know Paris
- Appendix 1: Unusual and Unexpected Paris—A Sampler
- Appendix 2: Landmark Paris Imagery
- Appendix 3: Modern Paris Timeline
- Notes
- Selected Bibliography
- Index