- 相关
- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
罗马法简史 - A Short History of Roman Law
星级: 187 页
罗马法简史 - A Short History of Roman Law
星级: 187 页
Foundations of European Private Law
星级: 4 页
罗马法简史 A Short History of Roman Law
星级: 187 页
Explanation of Charles Law - atmo.arizona.edu
星级: 4 页
Explanation of Charles Law
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- Cover
- Half Title
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Table of Contents
- Preface
- 1 Production Systems and the ACT-R Theory
- 2 Knowledge Representation
- 3 Performance
- 4 Learning
- 5 Navigation and Conflict Resolution
- 6 The Tower of Hanoi and Goal Structures
- 7 The LISP Tutor and Skill Acquisition
- 8 The Geometry Tutor and Skill Acquisition
- 9 The Identical Elements Theory of Transfer
- 10 Computer Programming and Transfer
- 11 Tutoring of Cognitive Skill
- 12 Creating Production-Rule Models
- 13 Reflections on the Theory
- References
- Author Index
- Subject Index