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Characteristics of Collection Development - A Case Study in Hainan University Library
星级: 14 页
Characteristics of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Located in the Right Middle Lobe According to a Retrospective Study of Recurrence
星级: 6 页
Chronic Consequences of Uncomplicated Yersinia Enterocolitica Infection A Retrospective Study (2004) of Military Recruits Previo
星级: 6 页
Role of Apoptosis in Rabies Viral Encephalitis A Comparative Study in Mice, Canine, and Human Brain with a Review of Literature
星级: 14 页
'Rumours' and clinical trials a retrospective examination of a paediatric malnutrition study in Zambia, southern Africa
星级: 8 页
Characteristics of martial art injuries in a defined Canadian population a descriptive epidemiological study
星级: 7 页
Histopathological changes in anatomical distribution of inflammatory bowel disease in children a retrospective cohort study
星级: 5 页
Secular trends in pediatric antiretroviral treatment programs in rural and urban Zambia a retrospective cohort study
星级: 10 页
Validation of a method to partition the base deficit in meningococcal sepsis a retrospective study
星级: 7 页