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PIXE in pollution control of the Matola River in Mozambique-analysis of fish scales
星级: 37 页
pixe in pollution control of the matola river in mozambique-analysis of fish scales
星级: 42 页
Dissipation of alachlor in cotton plant, soil and water and its bioaccumulation in fish
星级: 6 页
Dissipation of sulfosulfuron in water – Bioaccumulation of residues in fish – LC-MS MS-ESI identification and quantification o
星级: 6 页
Pairs of sugar residues in the histological detection of lung cancer
星级: 5 页
RP-HPLC in food of animal origin spectinomycin residues in
星级: 19 页
Analysis of water reuse in our use of water resources in the role of the
星级: 18 页
Draft Base Paper Management of Crop Residues in the Context of
星级: 14 页