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- 书签
Lawson - Grantlee Kieza
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Banks - Grantlee Kieza
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Flinders - Grantlee Kieza
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Grantlee Kieza - Lawson-ABC Books (2021)
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Grantlee Kieza - Banjo-ABC Books (2018)
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Grantlee Kieza - Flinders-ABC Books (2023)
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Grantlee Kieza - Monash-HarperCollins Publishers (2015)
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- Contents
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- 1. Cultures of Healing in Colonial Lima, 1535–1780
- 2. Professionalizing Healers and the Bourbon Politics of Reform, 1760–1810
- 3. Creole Medical Authority and Peninsular Vaccination Campaigns, 1802–1810
- 4. Conquering the Biblical Curse, 1804–1815
- 5. Burial Reforms, Piety, and Popular Protest, 1808–1850
- 6. Medical Education and the End of Medical Reforms, 1808–1840
- Conclusion
- Notes
- Bibliography
- Index