- 相关
- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
星级: 40 页
Geoff Chapmn - Yola
星级: 1 页
Geoff, - DiscipleShare
星级: 2 页
Geoff Cainen, Principal
星级: 4 页
Dictionary Review - Geoff Barton
星级: 9 页
The Arithmetic of Jigsaw - Geoff Petty
星级: 8 页
Action Research Proposals - Geoff Petty
星级: 3 页
TES Buying - Geoff Barton
星级: 1 页
Interconnection and Peering - Geoff Huston
星级: 4 页
- Preface
- Slavery in the Shadow of Liberty
- 1: Congress and Slaveryin Context
- The Impact of British Abolitionism on American Sectionalism
- Christian Statesmanship, Codes of Honor, and Congressional Violence: The Antislavery Travails and Triumphs of Joshua Giddings
- Gamaliel Bailey, Antislavery Journalist and Lobbyist
- Saturday Nights at the Baileys’ : Building an Antislavery Movement in Congress, 1838-1854
- “A nest of rattlesnakes let loose among them” : Congressional Debates over Women's Antislavery Petitions, 1835-1845
- Debating Slavery by Proxy: The Texas Annexation Controversy
- 2: The Politics of Slavery in the District of Columbia
- The 1846 Retrocession of Alexandria: Protecting Slavery and the Slave Trade in the District of Columbia
- “Whether they be ours or no, they may be heirs of the kingdom” : The Pursuit of Family Ties among Enslaved People in the District of Columbia
- The 1848 Pearl Escape from Washington, D.C. : A Convergence of Opportunity, Motivation, and Political Action in the Nation's Capital
- Celebrating Emancipation and Contesting Freedom in Washington, D.C.
- Contributors
- Index