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- 目录
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星级: 40 页
Geoff Chapmn - Yola
星级: 1 页
Geoff, - DiscipleShare
星级: 2 页
Geoff Cainen, Principal
星级: 4 页
Dictionary Review - Geoff Barton
星级: 9 页
The Arithmetic of Jigsaw - Geoff Petty
星级: 8 页
Action Research Proposals - Geoff Petty
星级: 3 页
TES Buying - Geoff Barton
星级: 1 页
Interconnection and Peering - Geoff Huston
星级: 4 页
- Contents
- List of Illustrations
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- 1 “Alehouse Politicians”: The Culture of Print and the Political Nation
- 2 “Paddy Shall Rise”: Celebration, Commemoration, and National Identity
- 3 Shopping for Ireland: Consumption, Gender, and the Politics of Free Trade
- 4 The New Magna Carta: Voluntary Association, the Crowd, and the Uses of Official Political Culture
- 5 A Rage Militaire: The Volunteers
- 6 “Playing the Man”: Invasion, Masculinity, and the Citizen-Soldier
- 7 Petticoat Government: Women and Patriotism
- 8 “A Democratical Spirit”: Reform, Protectionism, and Popular Politics
- Conclusion
- Notes
- Bibliography
- Index