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An unusual combination of discreet subaortic membrane, aortopulmonary window, severe aortic insufficiency and rheumatic mitral r
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Early aortic valve closure in combined idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis and discrete subaortic stenosis
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secondary subaortic stenosis in heart defects without any initial subaortic obstruction a multifactorial postoperative event☆
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Wuxi soundproof window, I Wuxi soundproof window, I Wuxi soundproof window
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idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis
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Discrete subaortic stenosis diagnosed intraoperatively
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Outcomes of Subaortic Obstruction Resection in Children.结果儿童Subaortic阻塞切除的.pdf
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Resection of Discrete Subaortic Membranes
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星级: 16 页