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星级: 51 页
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星级: 50 页
星级: 84 页
- Book Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents
- Illustrations
- Notes on contributors
- Foreword
- Part I: Presentations and discussion papers
- 1 Introduction
- 2 ‘Religious faith’ in National Socialism
- 3 Discussion of Chapter 2
- 4 Liturgy in the service of power: The National Socialist cult of the dead as a secularised Christian paschal celebration
- 5 Discussion of Chapter 4
- 6 Marxism-Leninism as political religion
- 7 Discussion of Chapter 6
- 8 Communist faith and world-explanatory doctrine: A philosophical analysis
- 9 Discussion of Chapter 8
- 10 National Socialism as a political religion
- 11 Concluding discussion
- Part II: Contributions to research
- 12 Alfred Rosenberg’s Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts as political religion: The ‘kingdom of heaven within us’ as a foundation of German national racial identity
- 13 ‘Political religion’ – a religion?: Some remarks on the concept of religion
- 14 Ideology, sects, state and totalitarianism: A general theory
- 15 ‘Political religion’: The potentials and limitations of a concept
- 16 Recalling the ‘engaged observer’ in changed times: On Raymond Aron as a theoretician of totalitarianism and the global nuclear situation
- Index