- 相关
- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization Theory, Algorithms, and Applications with MATLAB
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CRC Press - Applications of Abstract Algebra with MAPLE (2000)
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CRC Press - Ultra-Fast Fiber Lasers - Principles and Applications with MATLAB Models - 2011
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Musa S.M. Computational Nanotechnology Modeling and Applications with MATLAB (CRC Press, 2011)( 1439841764)(en)(537s)
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Peter Hilton-Rapid Tooling_ Technologies and Industrial Applications-CRC Press (2000)
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Goethals, Eric J-Telechelic polymers _ synthesis and applications-CRC Press (1990)
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Michael J. O'Connell-Carbon Nanotubes_ Properties and Applications-CRC Press (2006)
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Walter A. Elmore-Protective Relaying Theory and Applications-CRC Press (2003)
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Review of A Combinatorial Approach to Matrix Theory and its Applications, by Richard A. Brualdi and Dragos Cvetkovi , CRC Press
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- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Preface
- Table of Contents
- 1: Review of Matrix Algebra
- 2: Introduction to Vector Spaces
- 3: Similarity
- 4: Matrix Calculus
- 5: Normed Vector Spaces
- 6: Unitary Similarity
- 7: Singular Value Decomposition
- 8: LU and QR Decompositions
- 9: Properties of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- 10: Hermitian and Positive Definite Matrices
- 11: Graphics and Topology
- Appendix A: MATLAB
- Answers to Selected Exercises
- Bibliography
- Index