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- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
Hardware enhanced association rule mining with Hashing and Pipelining
星级: 12 页
【精品】A. Evolutionary Design of Hashing Function Circuits Using an FPGA
星级: 11 页
a method for command identification, using modified collision free hashing with addition
星级: 28 页
selective association rule generation
星级: 14 页
Multiobjective Genetic Generation of Fuzzy classifier using iteraitve rule learning
星级: 8 页
Modified risk graph method using fuzzy rule-based approach
星级: 8 页
Rice diseases classification using feature selection and rule generation techniques
星级: 10 页
An investigation of some quantum systems using modified quantization rule form
星级: 5 页
Fuzzy-PID hybrid control Automatic rule generation using genetic algorithms
星级: 12 页
- Halftitle
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents
- Preface
- 1 Mathematical Preliminaries
- I Logic for Computer Science
- 2 Propositional Logic
- 3 Proofs by Deduction
- 4 Predicate Logic
- 5 Proving with Predicates
- 6 Program Verification
- II Language Models for Computer Science
- 7 Language and Models
- 8 Generative Models of Regular Languages
- 9 Finite Automata and Regular Languages
- 10 Context-Free Grammars
- 11 Pushdown Automata and Parsing
- 12 Turing Machines
- A Logic Programming
- B The AWK Language
- C Answers to Selected Problems
- Index