- 相关
- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
- Front cover
- Preface
- Editors
- Acknowledgments
- Contributors
- Contents
- Introduction
- Section 1. Structure of Fungal Communities
- Chapter 1. Linking Function between Scales of Resolution
- Chapter 2. Fungal Communities: Their Diversity and Distribution
- Chapter 3. Freshwater Fungal Communities
- Chapter 4. Marine Fungal Communities
- Chapter 5. Tropical Fungi
- Chapter 6. Lichens and Microfungi in Biological Soil Crusts: Community Structure, Physiology, and Ecological Functions
- Chapter 7. Mycorrhizal Fungi in Successional Environments: A Community Assembly Model Incorporating Host Plant, Environmental, and Biotic Filters
- Chapter 8. Fungal Communities: Relation to Resource Succession
- Chapter 9. Emerging Perspectives on the Ecological Roles of Endophytic Fungi in Tropical Plants
- Chapter 10. Classical Methods and Modern Analysis for Studying Fungal Diversity
- Chapter 11. Fungal Diversity in Molecular Terms: Profiling, Identification, and Quantification in the Environment
- Chapter 12. Analytical and Experimental Methods for Estimating Population Genetic Structure of Fungi
- Chapter 13. Interspecific Interaction Terminology: From Mycology to General Ecology
- Section 2. Function of Fungal Communities
- Chapter 14. Fungal Activity as Determined by Microscale Methods with Special Emphasis on Interactions with Heavy Metals
- Chapter 15. Exploring Fungal Activity with Confocal and Multiphoton Microscopy
- Chapter 16. Enzymatic Activities of Mycelia in Mycorrhizal Fungal Communities
- Chapter 17. Fungal Enzymes at the Community Scale
- Chapter 18. Using Isotopic Tracers to Follow Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling of Fungi
- Chapter 19. Diversity-Functioning Relationships in Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Communities
- Chapter 20. Fungi, Bacteria, and Viruses as Pathogens of the Fungal Community
- Chapter 21. Fungal Endophytes in Terrestrial Communities and Ecosystems
- Chapter 22. Mechanisms of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Mediation of Plant-Plant Interactions
- Chapter 23. Impacts of Plant Pathogenic Fungi on Plant Communities
- Chapter 24. The Epichloe Endophytes of Grasses and the Symbiotic Continuum
- Chapter 25. Evolutionary Development of the Clavicipitaceae
- Chapter 26. Ecological Fitness Factors for Fungi within the Balansieae and Clavicipiteae
- Chapter 27. Fungal Communities of Seaweeds
- Chapter 28. Trophic Interactions of Fungi and Animals
- Chapter 29. Sporocarp Mycophagy: Nutritional, Behavioral, Evolutionary, and Physiological Aspects
- Chapter 30. Hypogeous Fungi: Evolution of Reproductive and Dispersal Strategies through Interactions with Animals and Mycorrhizal Plants
- Section 3. Human Impacts on Fungal Communitites and Their Function
- Chapter 31. Human Impacts on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: An Overview
- Chapter 32. Oligotrophic Growth of Fungi
- Chapter 33. Fungal Communities of Desert Ecosystems: Links to Climate Change
- Chapter 34. Symbiotic Lifestyle Expression by Fungal Endophytes and the Adaptation of Plants to Stress: Unraveling the Complexities of Intimacy
- Chapter 35. Biological Soil Crusts and Global Changes: What Does the Future Hold?
- Chapter 36. Nutrient Acquisition Strategies of Fungi and Their Relation to Elevated Atmospheric CO2
- Chapter 37. Toxic Metals and Fungal Communities
- Chapter 38. Radionuclides and Fungal Communities
- Chapter 39. How Do Composition, Structure, and Function of Mycorrhizal Fungal Communities Respond to Nitrogen Deposition and Ozone Exposure
- Chapter 40. Micromycete Associations in the Rhizosphere of Steppe and Agrophytocenose Plants
- Chapter 41. Fungal Communities of Agroecosystems
- Chapter 42. Effects of Forest Management on Fungal Communities
- Chapter 43. Exotic Species and Fungi: Interactions with Fungal, Plant, and Animal Communities
- Section 4. Preserving Fungal Communities
- Chapter 44. Fungal Conservation: Some Impressions- A Personal View
- Species Index
- Subject Index
- Back cover
The Fungal Community_ Its Organization and Role in the Ecosystem (Mycology) - John Dighton, James F. White Jr., Peter Oudemans
上传日期:2025-01-24 23:00:13