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- Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology, Volume 59
- Copyright Page
- Contents
- Some Articles Planned for Future Volumes
- Chapter 1. Rhodopsin: A Prototypical G Protein-Coupled Receptor
- I. Structure and Function of Rhodopsin: A Prototypical G Protein-Coupled Receptor
- II. Spectral Tuning and the Mechanism of the Opsin Shift
- III. Light-Induced Conformational Changes in Rhodopsin
- IV. Molecular Switches and Determinants of the Active Receptor Conformation
- V. Coupling of Light-Induced Conformational Changes to Transducin Activation
- VI. Structural Modeling of Rhodopsin
- VII. Rhodopsin Mutations as a Cause of Human Disease
- VIII. Conclusions
- References
- Chapter 2. Cell Membrane and Chromosome Replication in Bacillus subtilis
- I. Introduction
- II. Early Evidence of Membrane–Chromosome Association
- III. Chromosome Initiation Mutants of Bacillus subtilis
- IV. Preparation of Origin–Membrane and Terminus–Membrane Complexes
- V. The dnaB Gene: Critical for Chromosome Initiation and Replication Origin Membrane Attachment
- VI. Chromosomal Membrane Attachment Sites
- VII. In Vitro Initiation of Chromosome Replication Using the Membrane Fraction
- VIII. Membrane Attachment to the Terminus
- IX. Differences in Replication Initiation in Two Systems
- X. Unsolved Questions
- References
- Chapter 3. Stability and Structure of Model DNA Triplexes and Quadruplexes and Their Interactions with Small Ligands
- Chapter 4. On the Physiological Role of Casein Kinase II in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Chapter 5. The Heparan Sulfate—Fibroblast Growth Factor Family: Diversity of Structure and Function
- Chapter 6. The Ribosomal Elongation Cycle and the Movement of tRNAs across the Ribosome
- Chapter 7. Life on the Salvage Path: The Deoxynucleoside Kinases of Lactobacillus acidophilus R-26
- I. Historical Background–Nucleotide Metabolism in Lactobacilli
- II. Purification of' Deoxynucleoside Kinases from Lactobacillus acidophilus R-26
- III. Steady-state Kinetics
- IV. Assignment of Subunit Functions
- V. Cloning the Genes for dAK/dCK or dAK/dGK
- VI. dCK and dGK are Products of the Same Gene
- VII. Probing the Active Site and Subunite Contacts
- VIII. Summary
- References
- Chapter 8. Molecular Analyses of Metallothionein Gene Regulation
- Chapter 9. Transcriptional Regulation of the Steroid Receptor Genes
- I. Structure of a Steroid Receptor Gene
- II. Molecular Mechanism of Transcription
- III. Regulation of the Androgen Receptor Gene
- IV. Regulation of the Glucocorticoid Receptor Gene
- V. Regulation of the Progesterone Receptor Gene
- VI. Regulation of the Estrogen Receptor Gene: Characterization of the 5' Flanking Region
- VII. Concluding Remarks
- References
- Chapter 10. Molecular Evolution of Snake Toxins: Is the Functional Diversity of Snake Toxins Associated with a Mechanism of Accelerated Evolution?
- Index
Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology, Vol. 59 - Kivie Moldave (Ed.)
上传日期:2025-01-24 22:54:05