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学说汇纂/Digest of Justinian, Volume 3 (D.30-40)
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- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Table of Contents
- Book Thirty
- Book Thirty-One
- Book Thirty-Two
- Book Thirty-Three
- 1. Annual Legacies and Fideicommissa
- 2. Right of Use, Usufruct, Income, Right of Habitation, and Services Given by Legacies or Fideicommissum
- 3. Legacies of Servitudes
- 4. Praelegatum of a Dowry
- 5. The Legacy of an Option or Choice
- 6. Legacies of Wheat, Wine, or Oil
- 7. The Legacy of Instmctum or Instrumenturn
- 8. The Legacy of a Peeulium
- 9. The Legacy of Stores
- 10. The Legacy of Furniture
- Book Thirty-Four
- 1. Aliment or Legacies of Provisions
- 2. Legacies of Gold, Silver, Toilet Equipment, Jewelry, Perfumes, Clothing or Garments, and Statues
- 3. Release by Will
- 4. The Ademption of Legacies and Fideicommissa
- 5. Dubious Cases
- 6. Legacies Made by Way of Penalty
- 7. The Catonian Rule
- 8. Provisions Deemed Not To Have Been Written
- 9. Legacies Taken Away on Grounds of Unfitness
- Book Thirty-Five
- Book Thirty-Six
- Book Thirty-Seven
- 1. Bonorum Possessiones
- 2. If a Will Exists
- 3. Bonorum Possessio in the Case of an Insane Person, an Infant, or One Who Is Dumb, Deaf, or Blind
- 4. Bonorum Possessio Contrary to the Terms of a Will
- 5. Payment of Legacies Where Application for Bonorum Possessio Contrary to Will Has Been Made
- 6. Hotchpot
- 7. Collation of a Dowry
- 8. The Joining of His Children with an Emancipated Son
- 9. Placing an Unborn Child in Possession and His Curator
- 10. The Carbonian Edict
- 11. Bonorum Possessio according to Will
- 12. If Someone Is Manumitted by a Parent
- 13. Bonorum Possessio Arising Out of a Soldier's Will
- 14. The Rights of a Patron
- 15. The Obedience To Be Offered to Parents and Patrons
- Book Thirty-Eight
- 1.The Services of Freedmen
- 2. Freedmen's Property
- 3. Freedmen Belonging to Communities
- 4. The Assignment of Freedmen
- 5. If a Fraud Has Been Committed on a Patron
- 6. If There Shall Be No Will, Unde Liberi
- 7. Unde Legitimi
- 8. Whence Cognate Relatives
- 9. The Edict Regulating Succession
- 10. The Degrees of Relatives and Their Names
- 11. Whence Husband and Wife
- 12. Succession to Veterans and Soldiers
- 13. Those in Whose Favor Bonorum Possessio Does Not Issue
- 14. That Bonorum Possessio May Be Granted In Accordance with Statutes or Senatus Consulta
- 15. The Order To Be Preserved in [Grants of Bonorum} Possessio
- 16. Heirs Who Are Sui and Heirs at Law
- 17. Senatus Consultum Twtullianum and Orphitianum
- Book Thirty-Nine
- Book Forty
- 1. Manumissions
- 2. Manumissions Vindicta
- 3. Manumissions of Slaves Belonging to a Corporation
- 4. Testamentary Manumissions
- 5. Grants of Freedom by Fidecommissa
- 6. Revocation of Freedom
- 7. Statuliberi
- 8. Persons Who Obtain Freedom without Manumission
- 9. Manumitted Persons Not Free and the Lex Aelia Sentia
- 10. The Right to Gold Rings
- 11. The Restitution of Birthrights
- 12. The Suit for Freedom
- 13. Men Debarred from Proclaiming Freedom
- 14. Claims to Free Birth
- 15. Status of Deceased Not To Be Questioned after Five Years
- 16. Discovery of Collusion
学说汇纂/Digest of Justinian, Volume 3 (D.30-40)
上传日期:2018-02-12 20:24:52